How To Schedule Appointment For Uganda Passport Interview Online

Uganda Passport Interview

If you have successfully filled in all the required information in your Uganda passport application form including obtaining a well-written recommendation letter, and also paid the associated fees to the bank of your choice, the next step is scheduling an appointment. Scheduling a passport appointment allows you to choose the time, day and date when you will visit the immigration offices and handover your documents to the officer for the passport interview.

Scheduling a Uganda passport interview appointment is now done online following some simple instructions as you will see below. The online appointment replaced the traditional way where applicants would simply visit the internal affairs offices and line for a whole day in order to submit in their applications.

Scheduling the appointment online allows you to pick the time and date that is convenient for you, something that eases the entire process since you will only access the passport control premises when your appointment time is due.

Instructions to Schedule Appointment for Passport Interview

Schedule Passport Interview
  • Visit
  • Click on the Schedule Appointment button
  • Fill in your “Application Number, Date of Birth and Surname”
  • Enter the “Enter text in the displayed image”
  • Click  on the “Retrieve” button

A calendar will be displayed with open days marked green and closed days marked Red. You should be able to pick a date of your choice and wait for the appointment PDF form to display. Print the Appointment form and attach to your previous application documents.

Reshedule passport interview

Kindly note that you can schedule a passport appointment once your payment PRN has been synchronized and marked as paid in the URA system. Failure will mean inability to schedule thus having to wait until the payment has been made or synchronized.

ALSO READ  How to Write a Uganda Passport Recommendation Letter with Sample PDF to Download

How to Re-schedule Passport Interview Appointment Time and Date

In case you missed the first appointment for your own reasons, you are given a chance to reschedule. The process of rescheduling is similar to scheduling for the first time. All you have to do is to follow the same instructions above and chose your best day.

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